Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Cheers to the new year!

It's that time again when we say goodbye to the past year as we welcome another one! Whut haha. 2012 has really been a blast for me. I experienced some of my firsts, a few of my lasts maybe.. Haha but of course, I met some new friends, tried new stuff, and shit, I'm starting to have a love-hate relationship with this year because I feel like it.

I had many goals that were achieved, books that have been read, pictures taken, quizzes failed, food eaten, subjects passed, jeepneys rode (I had to), school works crammed on and submitted on-time anyways, and a whole bunch of stuff that I.... will forget someday. Hah! I have a short-term memory loss, you see. I don't really remember things well unless, of course, they are worth remembering. Like, hmmm, prom, maybe?

But, even though I tend to forget things after a short while, those people who passed by and/or stayed in my life will forever be stored in my heart.  Hihi :P It's just that you have to remind me of the things we did back then! I'll remember some but I don't trust my memory haha :P

Going back to the actual point of the post, for every new year, new goals are set! I have bunchloads of goals coming out of my brain like farts that evaporate away afterwards. It's killing me. I don't even know why. I also have few wishes and stuff just because.

I shall save up for a new gadget I want! My phone is seriously just for text messages and calls since I can't download any apps! Occasionally it becomes an iPod but that happens very rarely since I have one on my own. Ugh, I don't know. I'm planning to replace my iPod, too, but that can wait.

I shall take many pictures! I'm a graduating student so that means I'll be permanently apart from the people I'm usually with.. (I mean my friends, but there's a possibility to be apart from my family, too = dormitory) I'll miss them for sure but of course I have to go beyond my boundaries and meet new people! I hope they'll be nice, though. There are a lot of bullies around but I guess I'll manage. :)

I shall travel to lots of places! 'Nuff said. :)

I shall meet new people! New school, new surroundings, new everythang~ I am so excited for college!

I shall fill my planner out faithfully... and everyday I shall write on it and I shall put pictures! I want it to have so much contents so that I will remember all the good and bad stuff that happened that year when I look back at it. My planners back then were failed attempts.. heh. So much money wasted, I'm telling you. I should have bought food for that instead. :(

I shall be more organized! I remember having this as one of my resolutions last year.. and yes I became more organized than before but it's not enough! I still lose some of my stuff and I keep on forgetting things I should have done. I was a busy person last year.

I shall be a responsible student! I have been a lazy one, I know. I'll try to make it up to my grades. Haha! They're not low, most definitely not high (I'm not an achiever), they're mediocre. It's okay for my parents and for me as well. I believe that it doesn't measure my intelligence. I will be a responsible one in a way that I will make a reviewer per lesson and I shall limit myself to the use of internet during exam week! Have you noticed that I kept on procrastinating last quarter? I even had a blog post during that week! Hahaha! Grade-conscious self: slightly on. But I think it's not being grade-conscious at all, I think it becoming a responsible one. (Would you look at that, self? I hope you're still the same after a month! Hahaha)

I shall update my blog more often! Seeing an overview of my blog, I noticed that I only post twice of thrice per month. Compared to other bloggers that I follow, they have like, 20 a month? I mean I won't jump immediately to 20 but I'll update as much as I can. Especially this summer!

I shall enroll in driving lessons! I'm very eager to learn driving as much as possible, and this year's my moment! I can apply now for a student license so I should learn how to drive. My mom thinks it's mandatory. I think so, too. My sister learned driving years ago and she's just applying it whenever she wanted. Hah. Not fun, sister. Not fun at all.

I shall graduate this year! We don't know what's gonna happen.. Hahaha Maybe my school would burn up and we'd have no more rooms to have classes. MAYBE! But I sure hope that wouldn't happen, I'm too excited to graduate!!!

I wish to pass the USTET! Results of all the entrance tests I took last year will be up this year! I am hyped and nervous at the same time. I really hope I do pass because I don't want to study anywhere else.

I wish that my highschool friends and I will still have the same bond even though we won't be seeing each other very often! That is up to them, of course. :) I'm always on the net and everything!

I shall read 25 books this year! Last year, my goal was to read 20 books and I did it! To make it more challenging, I added 5 more. I hope to accomplish this! :P

I plan to watch 100 movies I haven't watched yet this year! It'll be soo fun :> I shall blog for all the movies I have watched at the end of the year! :D

I'm looking forward to a fruitful and joyful year ahead! Happy new year, everyone! Have a good one!

♥ Kat

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